Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 9 - Cruise (PP)

Morning Weigh in : 190.6 Lbs
Weight Change : - 0.4 Lbs

Total Weight Loss: 3.2 lbs

- Cup of coffee w/ non fat creamer

- 1 Hour of cycling @ the gym

- 2 small cans of tuna with about 1/4 cup of non fat cottage cheese
- 1 Beef Sausage Stick

- Almond Crusted Salmon ( i know, shouldn't have had the almonds, but i put some in).

- Non Fat Chocolate Mousse

I feel pretty good today. Especially that i lost some weight, for a change! ;)  hehe I had a very busy day. I even forgot to have breakfast! Can you believe that?! I really did. Had my coffee, went to the gym and then i started feeling really hungry! That's when i realized that i didn't have anything all morning.
I also feel like i might be coming down with something. A cold or something. Not sure. Hopefully NOT! Tomorrow i hit the gym again for another cycling class. Love these classes. I'm also considering having a personal trainer for a month (it's pretty expensive so i don't think i can do more than a month) but it'll give me a good head start.  If i end up doing that i won't start till the end of the month. I feel good about this. I'm hoping this helps me lose more weight and get's me to where i need to be on time.

Have a great Dukan Day my Dukaneer friends!

1 comment:

  1. Hellooooo my lovely!!! xoxoxo
    I'm back and alive in blog-land, just on the other side of the world and I'm checking out you on your blog! love the new look! (I go squeeiiii for cute little owls like the one on your background!)
    Well, so much catching up to do on your blog. I have lots of spare time so I'm going to be reading lots! Good on you for sticking to Dukan and making such a good go of it :) It's so awesome!
    Talk to you soon, Loz xoxo
