Friday, January 7, 2011

Attack Phase - Day 2

Morning Weigh In : 191.6 Lbs

Daily Loss:  1.2 Lbs

- 2 egg omelet with a dash of Parmesan cheese on top
- 2 mini sausages
- cup of coffee

- 1 Cheese Stick
- Oat Bran
- Cup of Tea

- 1 piece of chicken tender (dipped in a little mayo)
- 3 slices of beef jerky

- Beef chunk (in the slow cooker for 6 hrs) used Moroccan seasoning - Really good!
-  a couple of slices of Cheddar Cheese

I got to admit that it was kinda a tough day! Not sure why. Maybe because i got used to eating whatever i wanted whenever i wanted. Or maybe because i wasn't 100% ready to start any diet but did anyways. Either way, it's OK. I will continue and try and do my best.

Another thing i have to admit is that throughout the day I had a little fish crackers from my son! I would say maybe 15 of them in total. I also had one teaspoon of mashed potatoes that i was making as a side dish for the family. Naughty naughty, i know! It was tough today. But it's almost over! And hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and I'm hoping the scales would be kind to me in the morning! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie
    Welcome back. So pleased that you are doing this again. How are you feeling?
    I know it is hard in the beginning - I am also finding it REALLY hard going back on Dukan after Christmas but I guess we have to hang in there.
    Hope the scales make you happy.
