Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 5- Cruise Phase PV

Morning weigh in: 185.4
Daily Loss: .6 Lbs
Total Weight Loss: 3 Lbs

Not too great after a PP day, but I'll take it! At least it's going down and not up! Now, let's see how the rest of the day will go! Thank you all for the positive messages and encouragement. It means a lot to me and it sure does keep me going. Thank you my Dukan friends.

- Cup of tea w/ creamer
- 2 Hard Boiled Eggs
- 2 Tbls Labaneh (I make it with 1% milk)

- Non Fat Latte

- 4 sticks of kiftah
- Non Fat Yogurt

- 3 "Laughing Cow" fat free cheese wedges
- Cup of Coffee w/ creamer
- 4 mini red bell pepper
- Spinach w/ ground beef
- Miracle Noodles
- 1 "laughing cow" fat free cheese wedge

A very good day. I feel satisfied in my overall "eating" and I'm actually feeling full :) - It's about 7 P.M so I still have a few more  hours before I call it a night, but hopefully I won't indulge in eating. Hope you all had a good day too.
Can't wait to get on the scales tomorrow!


  1. well dont luvvy - still doesnt sound like your eating enough (I have this problem too). What's kiftah?

  2. Thanks for checking in "Little Miss Contrary" :) - Kiftah is ground lamb & or beef combined with a little chopped onion, parsley and some spices. mix together and put on a stick! You can find the recipe here
    Take care!
