Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dukan Loses?!?!

So, Dr. Dukan lost the law suit. People are saying that the Dukan diet is unhealthy. Lots of mixed reviews about the diet. No problem about whether it works or not. But the main problem is if it's healthy or not. And if it's good for you on the long term.
Have you ever wondered? Any thoughts about that?
Here's the link about losing the law suit if you're interested in reading it

I come from a family with a lot of "heart problem" issues and I've always wondered if this diet works for me, health wise. Although i LOVE how i can actually lose weight on it and feel good.

I'm not trying to encourage or discourage anybody about the diet. I'm just wondering how much you know and how much are you willing to risk? or if there are any health risks.

Just random thoughts! :)


  1. I dont really understand how he could have lost - its bizarre! I feel healthier than I have in a long time, im losing weight, have more energy, my hair and skin are in great condition. Like Dukan says we would- I'm losing weight fastest around my middle, which in women is the most dangerous place to carry weight for risk of heart disease.

    I would have thought if Dr Atkins can get away with a similar protein based diet+heaps of saturated fat, Dr Dukan and his lean meats, plenty of veg and low fat diary sounds a much healthier alternative. The veg we can eat on PV days provides enough fibre, nutrients and good carbs we need. Plus with the oatbran you are getting the heart disease reducing goodness from grains too.

    I appreciate that the refined carb industry has a lot to gain from branding this a dangerous diet but I think any thinking person who gives the diet a chance or event the idea of the diet (if your a healthy weight) without branding it a fad will see it actually makes a lot of sense.

    I think there are more health risks to not bother dieting or go on a fad, starvation based diet where you just eat soup, eat meal replacement bars filled with...what? or drink syrup or something. Now I cook healthy low fat meals packed with nutrients, vibrant flavours and fresh veg compared to before when I relied on jars and packets of sauces, prepared meals I just had to stick in the oven for conveninec or the local takeaway. For me and my husband, this is definatly the healthier option.

  2. just read this in the Independant - 'The hearing did not judge the rival claims on scientific or health grounds. Yesterday's judgment is, therefore, not a repudiation of the Dukan Diet per se, but a declaration of the rights of other people to criticise it.'

  3. I just read that article (in The Independent)...It's crazy how the media tries to play it up as a "total defeat" for Dukan (to quote Cohen's lawyer), when in reality it was a libel suit and the verdict wasn't about the accuracy of Cohen's claims, but rather about Cohen's constitutional right to say what he wants to say...
