Saturday, October 2, 2010


Terrible day. Bad headaches, stomachaches, backaches and very nauseous. Constipation is really bad. It wasn't until about 4:00 p.m that i started feeling a bit better. I"m definitely going to see a doc on Monday. I was really miserable.

Since yesterday, i decided to go off the Dukan for a few days. (Hopefully won't regret it). I'm eating a lot of veggies, fruits and fiber. Hoping to solve this problem that i have.

I would like to note, that what I'm going through isn't only because of the Dukan Diet. I've been suffering from this most of my life, but i think being on the Dukan isn't helping. I need to increase water in take, eat better on PV days. A lot of changes for sure. But i need to get better to be able to continue on the Dukan.

Again, hopefully it's just a few days and I'll then be back on track. I still don't know what I'll do when I'm back on the Dukan. I have a few days to think about it.

I ate as healthy as possible today.
Oat Bran Porridge, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 cup of tea, 1 diet soda, meat balls, lots of salad and greens. Some fruits, a little vegetarian pasta. I did do one thing that was terribly wrong! I ate a small piece of cheese cake. That won't happen again. The whole reason I've stopped Dukan is to be able to eat more veggies/fruits and not to get out of track with my food in take.

I'll keep you updated with my situation. Sorry if this is a whole lot of unnecessary information!! It's not one of the best subjects! ugh!

Have a good night everybody.


  1. I really hope you're soon feeling better. I know constipation can make you feel rotten. There are loads of seemingly unrelated side effects that go with it.

    Just listen to your body now and eat what it tells you too (just ignore any mention of!

    You will be able to pick up the pieces of the diet very quickly once you are feeling better in yourself.

    Take care.

    Sue xx

  2. Oh I am so sorry that you are feeling so rubbish. I think that by eating healthily and adding fruits and veg it will hopefully be what your body needs.
    he he I like what Sue said - listen to your body but ignore the mention of cheesecake - so true!
    The wonderful thing about this diet is that you can pick it up and carry on. See what the dr says and look after yourself.
    Hope it is all OK.

  3. Oh sweetie... that sucks you've been feeling rubbish. Listen to your body, for sure! It doesn't work the same for everyone, and if you're having issues, then you've got to do what you gotta do.

    Constipation is something that goes with this diet, especially with the early stage. Dukan recommends extra rhubarb and extra wheatbran if you can get hold of it in these stages. But if your body's telling you you need a break, then take it - and join us again when you're ready! :) It's forgiving that way.

    Much love to you, dearest,
    Charlotte x
